Local Restaurants in Huntsville, AL

Be sure to check with individual restaurants to confirm operating hours and available service. Remember: you can still support your favorite Huntsville eateries by ordering takeout or delivery! Order delivery through your favorite mobile apps or local delivery services like GrubSouth or Rocket City Delivered.

Visitors often ask, "Where do the locals eat?" For the answer, we lead them here to this list of local restaurants, homegrown favorites where patrons are likely to find themselves greeted and seated by the owners.

Huntsville's homegrown favorites have been an important source of local flair and hometown pride for years. These local restaurants make up more than 150 eateries, nationally recognized chefs, regional favorites, and cuisine of all kinds. You are sure to find something that fits your tastes with the list below.

Outdoor Seating and Other Amenities

Bonus: use the "amenities" tab below to filter restaurants by different criteria like outdoor seating, open on Sundays, etc.

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